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 Neue Pay Pal Pfishing Scam

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(versteckt)Themen Schreiber
10. November 2008, um 12:33:13 Uhr

Dear PayPal Member,

This email confirms that you have sent an eBay payment of $48.75USD to cheryl.blake@yahoo.com for an eBay item using PayPal.



Payment Details

Transaction ID:  8H293150XN522260H
Item Price:  $48.75USD
Total:  $48.75USD
Order Description:  Digimax 130
Item/Product Number:


Note: If you haven't authorized this charge ,click the link below to dispute transaction,verify your credit card and get full refund

Dispute transaction (Encrypted Link )

*SSL connection: PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available)


Item Information

eBay User ID:  pcheryl.blake34
Name:  Cheryl Blake
Address:  1225 Seeneytown Road
City:  Dover, DE 19904
State:  United States

Important Note: Cheryl Blake has provided an Unconfirmed Address. If you are planning on shipping items to Cheryl Blake, please check the Transaction Details page of this payment to find out whether you will be covered by the PayPal Seller Protection Policy.


If your email program has problems with hypertext links, then you may also confirm your email address by logging into your PayPal account at Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung Links zu sehen.
Registrieren oder Einlogen
. On your My Account page you will find a "Confirm Your Email Address" link. Click on this link and enter the following confirmation number:


I´ve altered the web address incase you click it by accident

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